༄ Dolpo Ski Mountaineering. We are going to explore the Kanjiroba massif of Dolpo for skiing. Our plan is simple, fly into Juphal, make the approach on foot with porter support to a base camp, and then begin skiing. Our base camp will have three fresh meals a day (many western dishes, pizza), each person their own two person tent, and a dining tent fully stocked for relaxing and resting between ski descents. Join us to ski first descents in the mystical Dolpo region of Nepal, home to snow leopard and the ancient Bön faith. This is a first ever exploratory.
See our previous exploratories here:
Humla: A ski exploratory in Western Nepal
Ladakh – In Search

Image by Steve Rozetti. http://www.razzetti.com/himalaya/dolpo/
- 7 (or 14) days of backcountry skiing the Himalayas (tent based)
- Small group of intermediate to advanced backcountry skiers and splitboarders seeking the best quality snow and interesting terrain
- You need to arrive for this ski touring and ski mountaineering trip with a healthy level of cardiovascular fitness. You will be ski touring a minimum of 1000 meters a day and this is best enjoyed with a training plan prior to arriving in Nepal.

Image: NASA ISS022 EE056573. Insciption by Gunter Seyfferth. Source: www.himalaya-info.org

Image by Steve Rozetti. http://www.razzetti.com/himalaya/dolpo/
Tashi Delek and Namaskar.
Day 1 – arrive Kathmandu
2 – fly Nepalgunj
3 – fly Juphal 2475 meters
4 – trek Balangchaur 3850 meters
5 – trek Kaigaon 2610 meters
6 – trek Toijum 2920 meters
7 – trek Jagdhula Khola 3400 meters
8 – trek Kanjiroba Khola 3800 meters
9 – trek Kanjiroba base camp 4500 meters
10-15 – ski mountaineering, backcountry skiing and snowboarding days *
16-19 – trek Juphal or Naplgunj
20 – fly Kathmandu
21 – depart Kathmandu
*Optional 1 week extra
May, October-November (21 or 28 days)
Trip Deposit: US$2,000