༄ Will we climb this peak? No, but it gives you an idea of the character of the Kanjiroba range. Glaciated peaks in remote northwestern Nepal, we will find a peak that suits the interests of the team. Join us for wild exploring in spectacular Nepal.
Come and test yourself on a high altitude trek in the spectacular Himalaya, with the guides and resources to keep you safe and informed.

Climbing at 6000 meters is no place to be short on resources. We make the proper advance preparations to ensure that our team will be properly cared for, from airport to summit to airport.
- Spectacular and scenic trek through the Himalaya
- Alpine-style climb(s) of 5000m/6000m peaks
- High adventure
- Team mentality

Images by Steve Razetti: www.razzetti.com/himalaya/dolpo/
Tashi Delek and Namaskar.
Day 1 – arrive Kathmandu
2 – fly Nepalgunj
3 – fly Juphal 2475 meters
4 – trek Balangchaur 3850 meters
5 – trek Kaigaon 2610 meters
6 – trek Toijum 2920 meters
7 – trek Jagdhula Khola 3400 meters
8 – trek Kanjiroba Khola 3800 meters
9 – trek Kanjiroba base camp 4500 meters
10-15 – climbing days
16-19 – trek Juphal
20 – fly Nepalgunj, fly Kathmandu
21 – depart Kathmandu
April-May, October-November (21 days)
Trip Deposit: US$1,000